A Comprehensive Guide to WoW Classic SoD AoE Farming

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Specifically, we delve into the riveting tale of a Mage's 10-hour journey, tirelessly clearing Hillsbrad miners in the Azur Lo mine. This guide will unravel the secrets behind this method, exploring the new runes that have transformed AoE grinding and sharing the Mage's insight

In the vast world of WoW Classic's Season of Discovery (SoD), where challenges and opportunities abound, one strategy has risen to prominence – the art of AoE (Area of Effect) WoW SoD Gold farming. Specifically, we delve into the riveting tale of a Mage's 10-hour journey, tirelessly clearing Hillsbrad miners in the Azur Lo mine. This guide will unravel the secrets behind this method, exploring the new runes that have transformed AoE grinding and sharing the Mage's insights on turning AoE into a viable strategy, even in tight spaces.

The New Runes and Mage Strategy:

The Mage's ability to AoE grind has undergone a revolutionary transformation with the introduction of new runes. These runes empower Mages to shift from a range technique to a face-tanking strategy, allowing them to confront mobs head-on. With decent gear and the correct runes, Mages can pull up to 13 mobs and swiftly clear them in a matter of seconds. After 10 hours and 3,600 mobs cleared, the Mage proudly declares the Azur Lo mine as AoE-friendly, receiving the coveted seal of approval.

Items of Interest and Rewards:

The Azur Lo mine serves as a treasure trove for daring adventurers. The items sought after in this spot include silk and wool cloth, vendable gray items, green items with desirable stats (which fetch high prices on the auction house), and the occasional rare item. Additionally, there's an Alliance chest with four spawn points – one outside and three inside – containing valuable loot. The mine is home to three types of mobs: Hillsbrad Sentry, Hillsbrad Foreman, and, in larger numbers, the Hillsbrad Miners.

Mage Spec and Runes:

To embark on this relentless AoE grind, the Mage employs a specific talent build and utilizes key runes. The talent build includes points in Arcane subtlety, Arcane Focus, Arcane concentration, Arcane explosion, and Elemental Precision. This build enhances magical resistance reduction, spell focus, clear casting, and spell hit for a well-rounded AoE approach. The runes crucial to this strategy are Living Bomb, Living Flame, and Regeneration of the chest, all strategically used in every pull.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Seven Pools:

Pool Outside the Mine:

Start by pulling 8 to 9 mobs outside the mine, known as Hillsbrad Sentries.

Apply Regeneration and initiate the pull, using Arcane explosion and Living Flame.

Loot quickly, drink, and move to the next pool.

Pool Inside the Mine (First Pool):

Enter the mine, apply Regeneration, and initiate the pull, focusing on the first 1-2 mobs.

Use Living Bomb strategically and Blink to reposition.

Ensure the mobs stay above the Living Flame for continuous healing.

Loot, drink, and proceed to the next pool.

Pool Inside the Mine (Second Pool):

Apply Regeneration and pull mobs inside the cave.

Utilize Living Bomb and Arcane Explosion to maintain control.

Juggle mobs to keep them within the healing area.

Loot, drink, and prepare for the next pool.

Corner Pull Before Moving Forward:

Pull mobs in the corner before moving forward.

Apply Regeneration and initiate the pull, focusing on mob placement.

Use Living Bomb strategically and Blink as needed.

Loot, drink, and prepare for the next pull.

Additional Mobs for the Fifth Pull:

Pull additional mobs to make the upcoming pull easier.

Utilize strategic positioning and apply Living Bomb.

Ensure efficient mob control and loot accordingly.

Corner Pull Before Jumping Down:

Move back to the corner and pull mobs before jumping down.

Apply Regeneration and initiate the pull with Living Bomb.

Maintain control and avoid aggroing Forman Bonds.

Loot, drink, and prepare for the next pull.

Final Pool (Seventh Pool):

Move to the final pool, applying Regeneration and initiating the pull.

Use Living Bomb and Arcane Explosion strategically for a large pull.

Ensure mobs stay within the Living Flame for continuous healing.

Loot, drink, and repeat the entire cycle.

Tips and Tricks for Success:

Purchase Level 25 Water:

Invest in level 25 Water to sustain your mana during the grind.

Improved efficiency and faster clears are achieved with high-quality consumables.

Benefit from BFD World Buff:

The Blackfathom Deeps (BFD) World buff provides a 20% speed boost.

Enhances clear speed and increases healing from Living Flame and Arcane Explosion.

Assist Other Players:

Help other players by clearing mobs like Minor Hacket or Forman Bonds.

Collaboration with fellow Horde members ensures a smoother grind.

Use Rested XP Add-On:

Employ the Rested XP add-on for efficient leveling.

Obtain runes as you level up, eliminating the need for a later return.

Cons and Challenges:

While the Azur Lo mine proves to be a lucrative grinding spot, there are challenges to be aware of:

Corpse Run Length:

The corpse run can be lengthy and challenging.

Exercise caution, especially during PvP encounters.

Alliance Ganking:

Alliance players may attempt to gank Horde members due to their advantage in the area.

Stay vigilant and be prepared for potential confrontations.

Mob Disorganization:

Mob pulls can become disorganized if not managed carefully.

Assist other players and ensure a smooth grinding experience.


In the Season of Discovery, the AoE grind at the Azur Lo mine emerges as a rewarding and consistent gold-making strategy. The Mage's journey, documented over 10 hours, showcases the effectiveness of the new runes and the viability of AoE farming in tight spaces. Armed with the right spec, runes, and cheap WoW Classic SoD Gold strategic approach, players can master the art of AoE grinding, accumulating gold and valuable items. As the Horde perseveres in the challenging landscape of WoW Classic, may their grinds be fruitful, bags full, and adventures ever-thrilling. Until next time, stay frosty!
