Zebda topo taghia
14 draws + belays. Approach: Walk to Parois des Sources, past the sources and cross the river and track back. The name of the route is written in big letters at the base. 20 min from the village. P1. 7b+ Tough warm up. P2. 6a+ for the tall. Morpho. Worst pitch on the route. P3. 6c+ A fantastic pitch. Steep face climbing. P4. 7b Sustained climbing straight off the belay. The belay is hanging and in the middle of a non-trivial sequence. Strong climbers with good ethics are advised to bring plenty of quick draws and a 70 m rope and link it with the next pitch. P5. 7a+ Another mind blowing pitch. Steep crimpy face clim


Topo climbing taghia morocco